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Vol. 17 No. 2 (2022): AGOSTO 2022

Flexible arrangements as a trend on the future of work: a systematic literature review

September 16, 2020


This research was developed before the world's society was taken by surprise by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). This fact accelerated the need for most companies to adapt to the home office regime of their workforce. The trail left by the coronavirus is one of caution in the labor market and changes in the relationships between employers and employees. The purpose of this paper is to identify in the literature an overview of the evolution and trends of flexible work arrangements in companies and organizations over time. Data were gathered through an integrative literature review of articles published without regard to time constraints in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. The sample consisted of 562 studies, categorized and separated into periods longitudinally. We identified trending themes about the future of work, such as flexible work arrangements, a lack of labor legislation governing remote work, telecommuting as a tool for sustainability, and the effects of these new work arrangements on work-life balance. In addition, we also have issues that impact the management of people telecommuting. We did not search for theses and dissertations that address the theme, which could have provided even more recent results, but were beyond the scope of this research methodology. The coronavirus pandemic, which surprised the world, has had an impact on traditional work. Companies have had to implement remote work urgently, without planning or theoretical foundation. This study is relevant for companies and leaders dealing with flexible work arrangements. In the current pandemic, remote work has gained unimaginable proportions. Work relationships need to be adapted, and the management of this new modality has become a pressing need, and it is still being built for use by business leaders.

Keywords: Flexible Work Arrangements; Telecommuting; Home office.


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